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for IV6 GLL v3.20

Designing with Community IV6 Loudspeakers Gets Even Easier

With Biamp's newest release of VenuePolar EASE Focus plugin (included within the IV6 GLL v3.20 file), the system design of the Community IV6 loudspeaker system just got even easier. 

VenuePolar™ is an EASE® Focus plugin that automates the loudspeaker system design for the Community IV6 Modular Vertical Array. This tool quickly calculates the number and type of cabinets, frame angle, splay angle, and how to set the 55 Passive Acoustic Optimization settings on each IV6 cabinet in a venue layout. 

Key New Features

array synced with circles.png
Array_Not Synced_FilterChange_v3.1.PNG

1. Full Automation

  • Automatic array sync of the cabinet models and counts from VenuePolar to the EASE Focus 3 software at the click of a button, VP to EF3.

  • Saving the designer time from manually moving the configuration over from the plugin into the software.

Loads tab.png

2. Re-Optimize Filters

  • When advanced users want to manually adjust the mechanical array in EASE Focus 3, there is now a re-optimize filters function within the plugin. 

  • This new feature returns the best filter settings for the given mechanical array, with any cabinet quantity.

3. Rigging Calculator Upgrade

  • New capabilities have been added to the Rigging Safety Calculator found under the Loads tab.

  • The pull back bar now allows designers to safely build bigger arrays in excess of up to 20 cabinets in virtually any configuration.

BOM_Current Array.png
BOM_All Arrays.png

4. Updated Bill of Materials 

  • A new and improved bill of materials in the report section provides a more streamlined summary of the quantities and types of loudspeakers, splay brackets and other accessories required in each array to simplify the ordering process. 

  • The report also includes a total bill of materials for the project that can be found at the last sound source.

VenuePolar for IV6 GLL v3.20

VenuePolar for IV6 GLL v3.20

Play Video

Short overview video on the new features!

Join us on Thursday, May 13th at 1PM EST for 

IV6 VenuePolar Plug-In for EASE Focus 3

During this webinar, Dave Howden, Technical Services Manager, will take you through the new IV6 VenuePolar plugin for Ease® Focus 3. Topics will include:

  • IV6 system overview and GLL V3.2 updates

  • Rigging options and calculator updates

  • Additional automation features to speed work flow

  • Enhanced BOM reporting to speed up quote creation

  • New PAO filter optimization feature

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